.ME "Super-Saver-Promotion" - Extended
HEXONET was contacted by the .ME registry to proceed with our successful Super-Saver .ME promotion until the end of the year. Due to strong and popular demand of .ME domains, this promotion was extended!
"Super-Saver-Promotion" Rules:
- Price: 5.83* (net price: 4.90) EUR per Domain/Year
- End Date: December 31, 2010
- Only NEW 1 year registrations are eligible
- Transfers and renewals are EXCLUDED
Fantastic New .ME Sites:
- Add some flavor to your .ME Domains with --> http://www.flavors.me
- Betaworks and the Times are planning a Social News Service under --> http://www.news.me
- Some cool personal blogs --> http://www.mantia.me, http://www.bryn.me, http://www.zee.me
Running through to October 31, all NEW one (1) year .HN registrations are on sale at 33.92* (net price: 28.50) USD per Domain/Year.
- Effective until October 31, 2010
- Only applies for one (1) year NEW .HN (example.hn) registrations
- Excluded from the promotion are .HN domain renewals and transfers
- This price reductions are offered at the sole discretion of HEXONET
- This price promotion applies to all price classes equally
Save on new .SC Domains
Until October 31, 2010, register a .SC and save $20 USD on the first year's registration fee. The promotional first year registration fee for .SC domains is 70.21 (net: 59.00) USD. Please note that this discount ONLY applies to new .SC Second-Level one (1) year registrations. Third-Level .SC Domain registrations are NOT eligible.
If it Moves, it Belongs on a .TV Domain
Only until November 30, 2010, HEXONET is offering promotional pricing on all new one (1) year .TV domain registrations at 13.57 (net: 11.40) USD per Domain Year. if you have been waiting for the right time to get a TV domain, now is the time to get one!
Please note: Domain renewals, multi-year registrations and transfers are not eligible at the promotional price.
.CN.COM Promotion - Savings of up to 80%
Ending December 31, all new one (1) year registrations of .CN.COM can be registered at the amazing price of 9.40* (net price: 7.90) USD. The perfect domain alternative to the uncertain nature of .CN registrations.
- Effective until December 31, 2010
- Only applies for one (1) year new .CN.COM registrations
- Excluded from the promotion are .CN.COM domain renewals and transfers
- This price reductions are offered at the sole discretion of HEXONET
- This price promotion applies to all price classes equally
* The GROSS price includes Germany's 19% VAT; many resellers pay the lower NET price without VAT.